Sunday 25 November 2018

My Day At Birmingham Comic Con

I had an enjoyable day at Birmingham Comic Con on Saturday 24th November. It was my second time of attending the event held at the NEC.

If you've never been to a comic con. No matter where in the country or the world. I'd fully recommend it. It's an enjoyable day out for all ages. Not just for nerds and comic lovers. You get people dressed up as characters from literally anything TV, Film and Comic related.

This year, I decided to go as something a bit different and nostalgia related. I had the bright idea of going as Neil Buchanan in full Art Attack mode!

This was actually a fairly easy cosplay as I already owned an Art Attack jumper for the last three years. It's had a few outings at 90's themed events. I bought it off Ebay for about £20.

I decided to build a giant Art prop like the ones seen in the amazing Art Attack set. I settled on a pencil. Which I made in the traditional Art Attack way by using a cardboard tube, cereal box card for the cone, paper mache, PVA glue and poster paint. It took me about three days to complete due to it needing a few coats of paint.

The day before comic con. I posted a photo of my outfit to a Birmingham Comic Con group which currently has over 8,000 members. I was amazed and incredibly humbled at it receiving over 180 likes and numerous people commenting on it.

Some of which referring to me "amazing" and a "legend". Admittedly, I'm not a guy with much confidence who is used to compliments. So from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who liked and commented. Thank you!

So all that made me very excited for the day. I traveled to the NEC by train with my friend who was going as Doctor Strange (and it was a fine costume I have to say!).

Even while asking for train information I was greeted by the information man with "Hello Neil".

Arriving at the NEC. Your eyes are met with thousands of people from all walks of life. Dressed as their favourite characters and heroes. It's such great fun. All you feel the entire time there is a positive atmosphere. It doesn't matter if your costume is thrown together last minute under a budget. Or prepared over months and costing a lot of money. Everyone looks fantastic and a lot of love and appreciation is shared.

My day at comic con was an enjoyable one. I will admit to secretly enjoying the whispers of "Art Attack" and "Neil" as I walked through the stalls and the people tapping their friends and partners shoulders as they looked at me. Spoke to some lovely people who shared their memories of Art Attack and I posed for photographs which is always fun. A few people said to me I was the first Neil Buchanan cosplay they'd seen at a comic con. So that was nice.

Here's a few photos from the day.

And this one has to be my all time favourite from the day. With Deadpool as Bob Ross. Featuring @Deadpool_Guys

I'll definitely attend comic con in the future. The Art Attack outfit will have to be featured again sometime but it has inspired me to do some other 90's/00's nostalgia related cosplays in future as well.

With the reaction I've had. It got me thinking. The real Neil Buchanan should really do comic con meet and greets. I imagine it would get a very positive reaction.

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