Sunday 18 November 2018

Isobel Middleton's Memories of Monster Cafe

Calling all monsteeeerrrrrsssss!

Well the interviews are coming thick and fast. Not too long ago I wrote about my memories of Monster Cafe. While researching the article I noticed Isobel Middleton who played Frankie was on Twitter. So when I published the blog piece I decided to forward it to her.

Isobel as Frankie (centre) on Monster Cafe 
I'm delighted that Isobel loved it and we ended up exchanging a few messages and I had the brainwave of asking if she'd be up for answering a few questions about the show. Which she kindly agreed to.

Prior to Monster Cafe. What acting roles had you taken part in? Had you always wanted to get in to acting?

I had been working as an actor for about 5 years before Monster cafe came along - a mixture of TV and theatre. I had wanted to be an actor since I was young - ever since I discovered it was an actual job you could do! - although I was quite keen on archaeology for a while but (fortunately?!) didn’t get the A Level grades I needed to do it at uni so I did Drama and Theatre Arts instead! 

How did the Monster Cafe role come about?

I auditioned for the role in a group session with both David and Toby and it must have worked as we all got cast together! I remember us having to improvise some comedic scene which involved a lot of prat falls and physical theatre! Toby had trained at the Lecoq school so was a master at it. David and I just channelled our inner idiots!

The show was very crazy. Was it good fun to make?

It was brilliant fun to make. We had two weeks rehearsal for each episode, before we shot it in studio, and we were able to improvise and embellish the scripts a great deal. It really was an ensemble production with everyone contributing, from props to make up to music, and it was so silly that we all had a blast.

Can you remember any funny on set moments?  

There were lots of funny moments on set - too numerous to mention - although the day they brought a real cow in for me to milk so that Frankie and Igor could make pancakes was a highlight! She was called Pearl. I had never milked a cow before. Say no more…

Where was the show filmed?

We rehearsed at the old BBC rehearsal studios at North Acton and filmed at the old BBC Television Centre - next door to Blue Peter!

What did you think of Frankie's costume?

I loved Frankie’s costume! It evolved over the two series, becoming a bit more Tank Girl in Series 2. The art department made me a fabulous little chest computer which spewed out paper so that I could tot up the takings! The make-up took a while, the costume was hot and the wig was itchy but I thought Frankie looked the business

Did you get on well with the other cast members? Do you still keep in touch?

I adored all the cast, crew and directors etc. They were a genuinely lovely bunch and we all kept in touch for quite a while. Over time we have all moved, changed directions, lost touch but I am always interested to hear what everyone’s up to and have no doubt that if we were to bump into each other again, we’d pick up where we left off.

Do you have a favourite episode?

Favourite episode would have to be the one where we hide the baby from the Baroness. Just really, really silly and very sweet.

The show was repeated a few times after it ended. Despite being more of a comedy show. Were you aware they once attempted to repeat the show on Cbeebies but had to stop. Due to it scaring younger viewers?

I knew it had been repeated but not that it was considered too scary to show! That sounds a bit daft! It was just a load of actors running around in glittery capes with tights on their heads doing stupid things! I knew it was very popular with students who liked to watch it after a night on the lash! Occasionally I meet someone who tells me they had a bit of *a thing* for Frankie which amuses me greatly. She was half machine, you know…I wonder which half they had the *thing* for…..??

You've acted in many TV shows since. Apart from Monster Cafe. Do you have a favourite? (I remember you in Cracker!)

In the years since Monster Cafe I have continued to work in TV, theatre and radio. You name it, I’ve probably been in it somewhere along the line. You may be surprised to hear that I was also Helen’s defence barrister, Anna Tregorran, in The Archers, during the infamous trial after the stabbing of her creepy husband, Rob Titchenor. Does she look a little bit like Frankie? I’ll leave you to decide….Rummy Rummy Rummy…. ;)

Thanks Isobel! You can follow her on Twitter.

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