Sunday 12 January 2020

2019 - A Retrospective

Only a week and a half late but here we are in to a new year and a new decade. Which means the crushing realisation that 2000 was 20 years ago, which is frankly depressing when you can remember those days of sunny delight, turkey twizzlers and spiking your fringe up with cheap hair gel.

This is just a quick blog post to reflect on the previous year and the upcoming one, in regards to this barmy project of mine.

Being very "Dead Silly" - Comic Con March 2019
I'm really pleased about how the recent second batch of podcasts has gone. It was great fun recording them. The majority of them were recorded between June-August apart from the Simeon Courtie chat which I recorded in the January. Originally intended to go out with the first lot, but I ended up starting a new job shortly after which took up my time as I got to grips with it.

There's still something very surreal about chatting with people you watched on TV as a child and admired, even if it is just over the phone. I've never claimed to be a brilliant interviewer. I just write down a list of questions and hope to get some good stories out of them. The one thing I like doing is asking questions about shows which have fallen off peoples memory radars. I don't think Dave Benson Phillips was expecting to be asked about one series wonder Petswap  for instance. You can detect an amount of surprise in his voice in the interview!

It is still alien to me to get people agreeing to chat with me and being happy to give me their contact details to phone them. I'm entirely grateful for it though. Every interview I've done has been special.

The amount of plays appears to be increasing each time there's a new one. We're not talking viral figures here and I never expect that to happen for such a niche subject. However, I'm amazed at how certain interviews such as Dave Benson Phillips and Sophie Aldred passed the 300 plays mark within a week or two of being uploaded.

One of the nice highlights of last year was also meeting Francis Wright. Who has brought many puppet characters to life on children's TV down the years. Including 'The Head' on Art Attack and being one of the great mind behinds the criminally underrated Bug Alert!. We've kept in touch and email often and he's a genuinely nice chap. The surprise in his voice when I mentioned I actually have seen Bug Alert! (It used to air VERY early in the morning) and I am a fan was a great moment.

There's still two more interviews to go out for the second batch, both should be out by the end of February. One of which is with someone that I have to thanks Francis for, a fellow puppeteer who worked on a show very dear to me as a large amount of it was filmed around where I live.

Meeting James MacKenzie of Raven fame was great too. He was at a small convention near me and was a very nice guy indeed. I hope to one day record an interview with him, if and when that will happen I'm not sure as he's understandably a very busy man.

Other highlights include of course attending Birmingham's Comic Con in March dressed as Cuthbert Lilly from Zzzap! With my friend Rachael going as Daisy Dares. Some lovely reactions and some great feedback received afterwards by people who worked on the production of the show.

Well this year I do hope to do a third batch of interviews. So far I have no plans set in place, but maybe towards the spring I'll have a look at my list of names I have in mind and start attempting to contact people and record them over the summer. Fingers crossed!

I do hope to do some more videos on my Youtube account for people to watch. A megamix compilation I made has so far since July 2019 at the time of writing this blog post received over 200,000 views. I'm thinking about maybe doing some retrospective review videos on certain shows, featuring narration by myself. As well as maybe doing some videos looking at some items I own which relates to 90's kids TV. Something similar to an Ashens style review maybe? I'm trying to find my style at the moment. Plus it's very time consuming and I don't have a fancy editing suite. I have recently done a video on forgotten CITV shows of the 1990's though which you can watch here...

You may notice at the moment that the comments feature has been disabled on the majority of my videos. This was done automatically due to Youtube's new rules on child friendly content which I'll have to look in to and get amended at some point as the feedback I receive from fans of the same TV shows is what makes doing this project so enjoyable!

So that's a look back at last year and a look forward to the new one. Hopefully some great stuff will come along and more great memories will be revived. As always you can look at what I do on Youtube and you can follow me on Twitter too!

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