Thursday 7 March 2019

Jungle Run and My Parents Are Aliens Turn 20 This Year

Yes, you read the title correctly. Both Jungle Run and My Parents Are Aliens turn TWENTY YEARS OLD THIS YEAR.

Yes, I know it's not a photo with the original Sophie. I don't have one, sorry!
2019 is one of those years which despite only being three months in to at the time of writing. Has started to make me feel a bit old and not part of the young, hip and trendy crew (although some would argue I have never been hip or trendy).

2019 marked me turning a quarter of a century old. Which is still young frankly. But when so many elements of your childhood have started to turn two decades old. It becomes a bit depressing. For example one of my favourite childhood songs, Keep on Moving by Five. That hit the charts in November 1999.

Other little things as well from around that children all around the country being addicted to Sunny Delight. Ah, simpler times!

Also I seemed to have a collection of those rubbish mini roll safes which didn't actually do anything to stop people robbing them.

Not only that but so many elements of my regular CITV watching that I remember, all happened twenty years ago. Such as the relaunch of Art Attack as Art Attack Twice Weekly (Which lasted all of five minutes before going back to the old format).

As well as Zzzap! having a lick of paint and an addition of a new character Minnie the Mini Magician. 

But what's even more scary, is two staple childhood shows of the Noughties. Both launched in 1999. One in September and the other November. Jungle Run and My Parents Are Aliens you could argue were some of the biggest kids TV shows in the UK during their time and are still fondly remembered. Both shows ended in 2006 but repeats continued for way longer.

Original Jungle Run host, Dominic Wood. Who presented
the first two series.
I'll have to try and some special posts about both shows over the course of the year. So far I have nothing planned. I'll at the very least, write in more detail, my memories of both.

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