Wednesday 7 November 2018

Jack's Throwback Attack Podcast (Episode 2) - A Chat With Gareth Jones

It's interview time once again and I'm very proud to announce that it's a chat with none other than Gareth Jones.

Alternatively you can find the interview on Youtube. 

Gareth of course, was a familiar face on children's television for some 20 years or so. Starting off presenting Saturday morning show Get Fresh under the name Gaz Top before reverting to his real name and co-presenting How 2 for 16 years. In between that he also presented CITV science show The Big Bang alongside his partner Violet Berlin and educational show Megamaths for the BBC.

I have to say this chat was nothing short of wonderful. I had grown up watching Gareth and to be speaking with him was a surreal experience. The interview runs for a whopping 90 minutes but we actually ended up chatting for two hours. It was like two old mates chatting. I can't thank Gareth enough for going above and beyond for me and devoting that much of his free time.

Special thanks to Andy at WCR FM for allowing me use of the studios to record this. 

You can also follow Gareth via his Twitter.

It's also thanks to Gareth's help that I was able to do the next interview which is to be featured on my blog and that will be featured in the next post.

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