Monday 17 September 2018

Bernard's Watch

One of the great British kids TV shows of the late 90's/early 00's and perhaps certainly one of the best remembered has to be Bernard's Watch.

It's no surprise really as the show did run for quite a long time. The original series aired between 1997-2001 spanning 5 series and there was also a revival that aired for a further 2 series between 2004 and 2005.

The fondness for the show may be down to the fact it features a magic power that I think we all dream about from time to time. Whether you're an adult or a child. We'd all like to freeze time sometimes. I mean, it would be pretty useful. You'd never be late to anything again. Every morning you could have a lie in. It would be fab!

Well this series featured the adventures of Bernard Beasley. Who, as we find out in the very first episode. Is incredibly poor at time keeping and is late for everything. He wishes he had more time and his wish is granted. A magic postman arrives and gives him a pocket watch (Although confusingly the opening sequence always featured Bernard finding the watch in a field under a rainbow). But not any ordinary pocket watch. The watch could stop and start time. Allowing Bernard more time for whatever he wanted to do. Providing it was within the law. The very first episode can be viewed here

Every episode Bernard would use the watch to solve one of life's many problems. Whether it be using it so he had more time to finish school work, improve his ability at goal keeping at football matches or even in once case. Using the watch's powers to save an old lady and some puppies from a house fire.

Bernard kept the watch secret from most people. But over time, Bernard allowed the watch to be borrowed by trusted people. His best friend Karen, cousin Lucy and girlfriend Sam all ended up borrowing the watch at some point.

I enjoyed this show very much as a child and looking back it doesn't seem to have aged a great deal. I was always impressed with the special effects. Bernard being able to move while everybody else around him is frozen. Or objects staying in mid air. The wonders of modern technology!

The show also had a good moral message as well. The watch was never used for personal gain. There was always a message of helping others, being nice and not taking thing that don't belong to you.

Oh and what's my favourite episode? I remember finding the episode Gnome Time hilarious as a child. The story line being Bernard using the watch and some ugly looking garden gnomes to scare off a pair of burglars that had broken in to his home. Unbeknownst to the burglars that Bernard was still inside the house.

Bernard's Watch was written by writer Andrew Norriss, who has also written TV shows such as Woof, Matt's Million, Aquila and The Brittas Empire. Bernard was played in the original series by David Peachey.

As I mentioned earlier, a revival did happen. A few years later a new Bernard's Watch series appeared on CITV. This time with Ryan Watson playing the role of Bernard. Personally, I didn't enjoy this series as much. Each episode took place in the same setting. Bernard's school. With Bernard regularly getting one up on a group of bullies and his teachers with help from the watch. It felt a bit samey to me. But then again, by the time the revival came around. I was on the borderline of growing out of children's television programmes. Someone a bit younger, no doubt would have enjoyed it. But I guess that's a sign that Bernard's Watch was so well enjoyed. The fact it had a revival.

The revived Bernard's Watch series title card
Both the original and revival series were repeated occasionally. Up until around 2010. A few VHS tapes were released of the original series but are now extremely difficult to find. Sadly no DVD's have been released as of yet. But you can find some episodes and clips on Youtube.

I hope you've enjoyed my little look back at Bernard's Watch. Look out for my next blog post, which will include some very exciting Bernard's Watch news...

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