
This is the page where I'd like to pay thanks to people who have helped me along the way with this blog.

First off, my good friend John. Who has helped me with contacting various people to interview.

Also my friend Robert deserves a mention. Whose had to put up with me messaging him a lot. Asking for his opinion on whether various parts of the blog are OK.

Andy at WCR FM. Who kindly allowed me to use the studios for recording the podcasts. Check out the station and what they do at

A big thanks as well to Nic Ayling. Who spent much of his working career working for The Media Merchants who produced shows such as Art Attack, It's A Mystery and Zzzap!. Nic has been more than happy to answer my questions about these shows and has been very complimentary of my work. Top man! Nic very much still keeps his hand in the world of kids TV and now co-runs the production company Terrific Television alongside other former Media Merchants personnel Driana Jones and Sue Kendall.

The guys at The Crystal Maze Fan Group Blog. For promoting my posts and adding me to their group and being very welcoming.

The Nostalgia Kids Website and Mr Babbage's Lock Up. Who have been very supportive on Twitter.

Also bgoodmanuk at Fiverr deserves a mention. For composing the awesome intro music for the podcast. If you need some music composing for a project. Check him out!

and finally everyone whose agreed to be interviewed by me. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help me! It's appreciated massively.

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